What Changes Required in Our Lifestyle to Save Our Oceans from a Devastating Fate
As per a study from Current Biology, human activity is affecting our oceans more and more. The marine flora and fauna are struggling because of increasing temperatures, growing amounts of carbon dioxide, and other impacts of climate change.
The clock is ticking and it’s a tough time for our planet’s climate to shift. In this article, we’re sharing a few ways you can contribute to saving the oceans. You can inspire the kids to follow these ideas as well. Take a glance.
Say No To Single-Use Plastic
We are all ashamed in our daily lives of using single-use plastic. From your plastic straw coffee in the morning and meals in plastic bags, it’s time to remove your diet from wasteful plastic. Straws are particularly dangerous to sea turtles. Turn to eco-friendly options like metal or bamboo straws.
Make Sustainable Food Options
Did you even know farmed catfish generates almost 20 times more greenhouse gasses than most other seafood like mollusks and salmon? Make an attempt to make sustainable food decisions. Giving choices like mussels and scallops a shot, which are tasty, inexpensive, and a lot healthier for the climate.
We have addressed the benefits of a more healthy diet before. A vegan diet can be a fantastic start, but there are also other foods that can work as well.
Don’t Contribute to Marine Pollution
Would you like to take your boat out on weekends? As a boatman, you are responsible for reducing the disposal of oil and diesel in bodies of water. Stop overfilling the tank to minimize the chances of leaks. Your boat can also be fitted with oil absorbent recyclable wipes and other oil spill fixes.
Discourage Marine Life Exploitation
Quit purchasing items such as coral jewels and hair extensions that add to the exploitation of marine life. You should also prevent makeup using shark squalene.
Make the effort to look for a commodity before you purchase it. Fast Internet searches can allow you the peace of mind the demand for unsustainable goods is not created.
Take Care of Beaches
The increasing level of litter on beaches is, to say the least, important. Make sure that you pick up after yourself every time you go to the shore. If you have time, try planning beach clean-up drives or participating in them.
Reduce your energy consumption
One of the best ways to support the oceans and the environment is to reduce energy consumption, in general. Be more aware of your daily consumption of energy by disconnecting electronics, calling the thermostat back, switching to sustainable power, setting up energy-efficient lights, etc. This will reduce your carbon emissions and increase your savings in electricity.
Fish Responsibly
If you love fishing, then it’s necessary to expand this hobby properly. Before setting out, please ensure you are not fishing in a marine protected area. Try ‘catch and release’ fishing to further enhance native marine life. This is a viable tactic to enjoy fishing while preserving marine wildlife.
Stop Using Artificial Fertilizers
Instead of runoff or irrigation, organic fertilizers run-off and flood nearby water bodies. These fertilizers may reduce and harm aquatic species’ oxygen in marine ecosystems.
Stop using artificial fertilizers and just start composting, which is beneficial for the atmosphere and therefore practically free.
Don’t Release Exotic Fish
Don’t release the fish into the water if you don’t want to look after your tank. The exotic fish release can affect the marine environment. Call your nearest aquarium shop or send them to a friend.
Protect our oceans by taking drastic measures
In addition to your role, keeping governments and large companies responsible is also essential. Keep training, engage in conversations and use your voice to develop a better future.
Go on Ocean-friendly Cruise
Do you intend to take a cruise? Cruise ships are also considered to be polluting. You should scan for ecologically aware cruise companies or find some other way to holiday.