You Can Absolutely Reuse These 8 Foods Before You Throw Them Out
If you would like to reduce your waste, you can think about the things you are throwing away and how much of it could be reused. Try to be creative and repurpose food before throwing it in the trash. In this way you will be saving money and cutting down on waste – win-win!
You might not be aware, but meat and fish bones are perfect for making stock. You could always keep the leftover bones after deboning or clearing the plates. Just put them in the freezer and use them once you feel like making stock.
Vegetable tops and scraps
Those are also great for stock – you can use only them or add them to the meat bones. Many people have tops of turnips, carrots and others which would go to waste. Now you know that you can repurpose them and throw them in the stock pot – the result will be delicious.
Sour milk
Many don’t know but sour milk is pretty much the same as yogurt when you are baking something. There are even recipes out there which require the use of milk with a bit of vinegar or lemon. The next time you are about to make some delicious muffins think of the milk you have leftover and use it instead of dumping it down the drain.
Moldy cheese and leftover rinds
A good thing to know when it comes to mold on a block of cheese is that you can just cut this past and use the rest. If there are some dried-out chunks of cheese then you can use them to add flavour to the soups, stews, and stocks.
Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds have a lot of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and other minerals. All of this makes them perfect for your garden! You can put them in a compost bin, on the soil, in a worm bin or make a good fertilizer with some water. For all of the ladies who are not so much into gardening, you can use it as an awesome face scrub.
Limp vegetables
DOn’t throw away the limp celery or carrots which are at the bottom of the crisper. They will work great when added to a soup. If you soak them in some cold water on them you will manage to revive them. Using them for stock will give a great taste.
Stale bread
In case the bread you have at home has dried out completely or if you have unwanted crusts, the solution would be to just toss them in the blender and make breadcrumbs. Afterward you can put them in the freezer and use them when you decide. Another way to repurpose it is to cut it into cubes and toast then in the oven. In this way you will make croutons, which work awesome on many soups and salads.
Bacon fat
Did you know that you can repurpose the bacon fat? Just put in a jar and keep it in the fridge. You can add to the amount after every time you cook some bason. Later on you can use it instead of butter and add some extra flavours to the baked goods or vegetables.